Have you ever been bullied? Unfortunately, I have to say: "Yes", I was bullied in high school by a group of kids I thought were my friends. It was a challenging period of my life, and I felt that my life was totally out of control and I was powerless. But as a poet said: “Tough times never last, but tough people do. ... That's why I'm here".
2022 and it should come as no surprise that bullying is an old problem, and we know that bullying is a common concern among parents of children and teenagers, but another sad fact is that bullying is not just a school problem; it is an issue that affects millions of people across the world in different stages of their lives (including adults in the workplace), but this topic will be discussed in more detail at a future opportunity.
What do you do if you find out that your child is a bully?
If you think your child is bullying others, it’s very important to start working with them now, as this behavior is already damaging other people's lives. Also, we have to bear in mind that someone who gets pleasure from hurting or humiliating others definitely needs help. Furthermore, several studies suggest that being bullied will not just affect the victims emotionally, but could also have serious consequences for their health. For this reason, everyone should be aware that bullying can have both short- and long-term consequences for all parties involved.
Bullying behaviour often emerges in childhood I think that if we want to tackle a difficult problem, we need to deal with it very determined or efficient way. To do so, we need to understand more about that problem, for instance, what makes a child become a bully? Some studies indicate that bullies come from homes with tough discipline and a lack of emotional connection between their family members. It’s also worth considering whether parents' actions may be influencing their child’s; taking into account that for some parents, their interpersonal style may be may be modelling that behaviour. Yeah, I know, this is an uncomfortable situation.
So what should you do if you think your child may be bullying other children?
If you find out your children have done something to hurt (physically or emotionally) someone else, you might feel disappointed or any number of other strong emotions, but try to explain that what they’re doing is unacceptable. Children and young human beings, and they don’t always realise what they’re doing is bullying, or understand how much their actions have annoyed someone.
Types of children who might get bullied Another question that comes to my mind is: why do some kids are more likely to be bullied? According to specialists, a person may be bullied for a variety of reasons. They include everything from personality differences to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The responsibility for bullying always falls on the bully's shoulders, not the victim's. Nonetheless, there are certain categories of children that are frequently bullied. These are qualities or characteristics that may increase the likelihood of bullying. For example, children who are good at what they do might get bullied (intelligent or creative), or shy children (many children who are bullied have fewer friends than youngsters who are not bullied); or children with distinctive physical characteristic (they might wear glasses, they might be short or tall, etc.) Also, some kids are bullied because of their sexual orientation, or their ethnicity, or religion (among other several non-sense justifications).
Also, I would like to share an interesting article about this topic: "The 6 main causes of bullying and what to do about it".
I really think that anyone can play an important role in stopping bullying (parents, teachers, co-workers, etc); you have the potential to make a significant difference in the fight against bullying. If you suspect a kid is being bullied, you should speak with the child's teachers, counsellor, or administrator. If the bullying occurs online, removing the applications where the bullying occurs may be beneficial. Reporting the violations is a wise option.
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